I remember back in 01/02 or so when you said you wanted to get big and compete. People laughed and/or told you it couldn't happen. Where are those people now? With hard work (great work ethic you already have!), good people around you (your wife is a big help I'm sure) and solid nutrition and look what you've become. A true beast, a gym warrior, and a *true* bodybuilder.
The only negative comment I have is the mindset you currently have about not being able to turn pro. I know it's hard and even more so when you have a family. But if you wanted that pro card bad enough, hired the right trainer (although now that I think of it, you built most of your bulk on your own with your version of 5x5. Forget the trainers!) and kept a positive mind set, within 5 years you could be competing at the very top national level shows etc. The game is changing. David Peckerhead is getting rid of the mass monsters slowly (but surely). And there's always the new Pro Division Inc. aka PDI. They would take you now as you are. Sure it's not the IFBB but you'd get to be a pro, travel around the expos, shows and live out a dream. The only mag really covering it in America is Muscle Mag Int. But in Europe people love the PDI better than the IFBB. Especially in Greece and Turkey. You should see what the guys who compete in the PDI look like. Rodney St Cloud and Lee Priest are the the only mass monsters and in the IFBB they aren't exactly known for that, so that shows you how easy it is. They basically hand them out to ripped bigger guys like they are candy (the PDI pro cards that is). The money isn't bad at all either. Lee makes more now that he is with the PDI than he did with the IFBB (then again he just pulled in a nice check from racing, lol). I know with a family it's tough but perhaps use that as a further tool of helping you earn it. I know that the more demands that are placed on the mind and body, the stronger one becomes as a person.
I am no ass kisser and I believe in being honest and telling it like it is. I think we actually joined up around the same time. So I know the progress you've made and seen it happen first hand through the years. You went from small to swole to super swole. You are about an honest 30lbs-40lbs of solid muscle away from it (top national level or if you wanted, the PDI pro card). If you want it bad enough, you can get it. I already know you have what it takes mentally and now gentically as well. What more could you ask for? Having kids can be hard but you chasing them around can be like your cardio, lol. Chasing them around takes forever!!
Just get your mind set back to where it was about 2 years ago. I loved your attitude then. You knew you would be a pro and nobody could tell you diffent. Get that back and it will all fall into place, trust me on this. And do some serious research into NABBA and the PDI. There isn't much money to be made in it all (even with the IFBB) but the fame and pride (if you love it enough) makes it very rewarding.
I remember when I started at 140lbs at a little under 6'5 (6'4 and 3/4's to be exact. I say 6'4 because in bodybuilding being too tall can be seen as a bad thing. And there was only one tall guy big Louie and now Quincy. Anyway, you once told me I could do it. Well today I am 255/60lbs or so with a 29 3/4 waist. I am currently on 200mgs of eq a week, 300mgs of deca, 750mgs of test e, 12 caps of Amplify02 on lidting days, 10mgs of Raw/Pure MXX each day regardless and a ton and I do mean a ton of Gcovery I was as high as 270/280ish once but I was in the er aout 2 weeks ago for about a week or so and dropped down to 215/18lbs!! So I am just glad to be at least in the mid 250's now. In my avi which is about 2 years old, I was 244 bloated lbs (my first cycle, lol. 400mgs of brovel test. Hey went from 217/18 to 255!, ended at 244 in the end after pct though
) and thought I was king shit. Even then I had doubts if I could ever be huge but you know who helped me believe in myself all those years ago? YOU!! If it wasn't for your encouragement I'd still be a 6'5 (fck it, I'm not scared to admit my real height anymore. I'll even fib that last 1/4 of an inch to get to the 6'5 mark, LOL) and a stick! Now of course it's my WONDERFUL wife who helps me get through the toughest of days.
Now I want to give you back that same gift of belief you gave me. Not many people deserve it but YOU do. And remember in the world of bodybuilding, you are still a BABY!
I am now married and yes having a family makes things harder and changes your priorirties. But it can also be a huge asset. Whichever path you decide on, know you proved those haters from 5 years ago wrong and in my eyes, you are already a pro. Fantastic work you've done just fantastic.