Well some things can go beyond our control. A parent essentially makes your or breaks you. I would suggest you get all the help at your disposal. Without that mailing address, acquiring job will be next to impossible. I don't know what to say because I'm unfamiliar with your situation nor do I have any business knowing. Just know that you can't give up, your whole life is at stake. I know this seems out of place for me to say but in your position you can't really mope, you have to be extremely resilient and you need to take action fast. You need every resource you can muster. I really hope things go well for you, I'm not going to tell you to hang in there because that's your choice but you must take action. You have my sincerest condolences. Can a parent 'legally' kick out a child who is less than 18?
Fin, good move with the education. It'll open up new windows of opportunity. Just remember that a women should be a tertiary goal after your education and finances. Be selfish, look out for yourself. Based on personal experiences, women are a hinderance to personal success, academic or otherwise. I almost had my university acceptance rescinded because of girls, pathetc and extreme I know. My grades dropped from straight A's, to D/F's, I had to drug up and study for hours on end to get my marks back up to a passing grade. If I had given up, I would have lost my acceptance and I would more than likely regret my actions. But I'm happy where I am now.
Sin it's great that you moved beyond a counter-productive mentality. My mood drastically changed for the better when I just burried my past mistakes and stopped comparing myself to others. As long as you learn from your mistakes... Having a wife and children is not important, I wouldn't sweat it. Think of marrying of fucking 1 pussy for the rest of your life, and kids being an overall burden and a drain of resources

I guess what I'm trying to say is that wherever you come from in life, there will always be problems. But being strong is the ability to endure and survive through the problems. "Tough times don't last, but tough people do". Granted that some problems may have less hope than others, we really don't have a choice but to clash head on with the problems because its your only chance of recovering. That's my two cents...I really shouldn't be posting this due to my lack of experience...but I was hoping I'd be able to help.
Good Luck Everyone.