5x5 really is just a bodybuilding routine. I'm sure it'll cause strength increases through muscle growth. But what he really needs right now is a program to increase his nervous system efficiency, stuff like plyos, low reps, etc. I'd totally recommend bodybuilding if he weren't so close to a meet. Like if he were 4 months out I'd say bodybuild for 2 mos. then do strength for 2 mos.
Yes I drive my lats and legs like I should. Took me some time for my trainer to teach me to use my lats but I've came a long ways.
For all others, thanks for the support. I know its a lot but I can do it . I do westside training for all those who wonder. I do my speed days and max effort days. On both days, I train my weak spots...My weak spot is off my chest so I train a lot with a camber bar...Thanks again..I'll post something in a month to let you all know my results. Once again, thanks for the supports..Makes me wanna train harder already!!!!