Geepers! Pick three exercises per muscle, and go with it. Just because there are 8 cool "movements" doesn't mean you need to use them all. Those 8 "movements" are there because it's good to mix up your training. Do three this week, and a different three next week.
I would be sure to get a protein shake laden with 5g (min) creatine and 5g (min) glutamine ( or a capsule) EVERY NIGHT BEFORE BED. During a sleep phase, your body becomes depleted; it's like not eating for 8'd be pretty weak and hungry, huh? Fuel yourself for overnight. Makes a big difference.
Keep us posted?
What's the rhyme or reason for your split? It's all mixed up...Like mine is chest/back Monday, quads/calves Tuesday, off Wed, bi's and tri's Thursday, and hams and shoulders Friday, abs on Sat, Sun off. You've got stuff all over the place! The problem with doing side lateral raises twice a week, if you're trying to grow sholders, is this: When you tear the fiber on day one, it doesn't completely heal before you tear it again on day two. Muscles bulk when you tear them, and then let them heal. Then tear them again, and let them heal. Again, building occurs AFTER the workout. I can't say that enough.
Your Thursday workout is HIDEOUS! That would take me two hours to do with proper form! Like I said, you don't build muscle in the gym! Get in there, fail 'em, and get out. Go home and eat and rest...and GROW!