New member
Those things you are talking about could also be related to your test usage atm with the amount you are on.
I think you should pin point your goals man.
Anyone that wants to be decent at everything usually doesn't excell at anything.
Meaning you may be able to run 5 miles at a good clip, do the splits, walk around in a handstand, do 10 reps on the weighted chinup with +50lbs and still be able to bench 225 for a few reps and squat 315, but benching 300+ and squatting 400+ probably wouldn't be in the equation unless you devoted as much time to those aspects as every thing else.
The problem with that is you need to feed that while all those other activities burn bookoo calories and require a lighter bodyweight for maximum performance.
I'm not sure what you weight atm, but if you wanted to be all around super fit parkour as someone else listed is excellent.
My first choice would probably be gymnastics since it develops exceptional balance, flexibility and strength throughout the entire body as is all very usable in any other venue of performance.
One of these days you should condense it all into 1 to 2 things that you really want to be great at imo and then keep working on them year after year.
These guys that constantly change their focus, not necessarily the routine itself many times end up never accomplishing what they want or they never hit the level they could have in any one area.
If you want to be a generalist then more power to ya. Just remember it will take alot of work and time to become exceptional at that as well.
I think you should pin point your goals man.
Anyone that wants to be decent at everything usually doesn't excell at anything.
Meaning you may be able to run 5 miles at a good clip, do the splits, walk around in a handstand, do 10 reps on the weighted chinup with +50lbs and still be able to bench 225 for a few reps and squat 315, but benching 300+ and squatting 400+ probably wouldn't be in the equation unless you devoted as much time to those aspects as every thing else.
The problem with that is you need to feed that while all those other activities burn bookoo calories and require a lighter bodyweight for maximum performance.
I'm not sure what you weight atm, but if you wanted to be all around super fit parkour as someone else listed is excellent.
My first choice would probably be gymnastics since it develops exceptional balance, flexibility and strength throughout the entire body as is all very usable in any other venue of performance.
One of these days you should condense it all into 1 to 2 things that you really want to be great at imo and then keep working on them year after year.
These guys that constantly change their focus, not necessarily the routine itself many times end up never accomplishing what they want or they never hit the level they could have in any one area.
If you want to be a generalist then more power to ya. Just remember it will take alot of work and time to become exceptional at that as well.