Thanks for checking in on me!
First time I have been on the computer in a few days. Still not well - this is going on a month now. Very frustrating. With the laryngitis and cough - no way I can workout. I go into 3 minute coughing fits just by walking up the stairs.
Went to the doctor this week - got some great news. My blood profile has DRAMATICALLY improved. My total cholesterol dropped from 221 down to 169, my triglycerides dropped about 125 "points" (or however you measure it, haha). Triglycerides are still high, but a lot of that is genetics. Doc is happy with the overal drop. LDL also dropped quite a bit too. Only bad thing - my HDL dropped also. Genetically, I am designed to have high triglycerides and low HDL. I am built with the same blood profile as my father and paternal grandmother. Good news onthat - my paternal grandmother is 91 years old and healthy as a horse, so if I watch my weight it should have no negative long term impact.
My TSH is normal now - with a TINY dose of synthroid, .025mcg. It dropped from 11.1 to 2.3 (normal is below 5, or around there).
Also - my fasting blood sugar levels are lower. Before they were around 99, now they are around 74.
I take my SesaPure religiously and GLuc-R with every carb meal. I really think this helped with bringing my cholesterol and sugars down. Losing 10 lbs also helped, I am sure.
My doc also wants me on total voice rest for 5 days - to clear the laryngitis. If I do not do this, I might have it lingering on for several more months. There is no way I can go on voice rest for that long - just can't. I would have to take all that time off work. So I am resting as much as possible when I am not at work and limiting my talking as much as I can when at work (teaching kinder does not help here, lol). I only teach 3 days this week - so that will help I hope. *sigh*
I am really looking forward to getting healthy. I actually REALLY want to get back to the gym!!!!!!!!!!! I am not online as much, trying to relax, lay down, and rest when I am not at work. Hopefully, I will be back more soon.