Getting my AF Supps soon .... getting Thermorexin, Cardio Breeze, SesaPure and Glucorell-R. I am so excited to start all of them - and to FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY try CB.
My reasoning .....
Thermorexin - getting because it is the best metabolism booster/app suppress out there. I have had great reults with it in the past - can't imagine dieting without it.
SesaPure - getting mostly for the cholesterol benefits, dieting benefits are secondary for me. This will be in my arsenal for health benefits.
Cardio Breeze - I am SO gonna need that AM boost for FTITM HIIT/workouts.
Glucorell-R - Again, can't imagine dieting without this. Gluc-R is so amazing on cheat meals or high carb meals. Planning on using it *most* during these days, but will likely use it with every starchy carb meal too.
Also will be getting Guggulsterones (or however you spell it). Getting for thyroid support - given my hypothyroid, I need extra support! Fould it online for a decent cost, but will look at a supp shop in town to see if they carry it so I can avoid shipping. If they dont carry it, I will order it online.
Starting AF supps next week, guggles might be later if I order online. I am really excited about my supps. I have had such great luck with AF in the past - top notch supps and top notch people there.