dps1822 said:I have been a member for about two weeks kinda scared to post not scared but intimidated. I am not a gymoholic mainly because having four kids doesn't quite give me much time to get there. Then i realized i could use "having to go to the gym" as a way to avoid having sex with my husband while counting how long it would take before one of the kids would come banging on the door.
I am 30 yrs old, full time student in the RN program. I have a Bachelors degree in marketing....and before you say "Why are you in school then?" it's because the small town i live in really is not a mecca for large corporations who need people with marketing degrees, but we have like 5 hospitals so its my best bet to become and RN.
As for my health stats.
I'm 5'3" weigh 183 <---eek i know but i carry it differently I will post pics.
I am sure you can imagine my body fat so no need to go there.
My diet is tricky I rarely eat red meat when I had my gall bladder removed it just became hard for me to handle. I had a stomach stapling surgery in 2000 not a bypass so i can eat sugar which totally sucks because thats how i gain weight. I still can't eat alot but I know its what I put in my mouth that makes the difference, whats the point if you can hardly eat but all you eat is M&M's all day. So this is what a daily food intake looks like for me, since I started my regimen.
Breakfast- egg white omelet with fat free cheese
Snack - green apple with peanut butter (about 2 tbsp)
Lunch - ground turkey and steamed zucchini
Snack - skim mozarella cheese stick and some raisins
Dinner - Salmon, small romaine lettuce salad with some avocado on top, and sweet potatoes
Workout is
M,W,F, & Sa - Cardio 45 mins twice daily
Tue, Thur, Sun - Free Weight circuit total body for an hour
I am not going to say I don't want to get to big i just want to tone up because I would pretty much rather be a big piece of muscled thing then a big piece of fat.
I decided to join this board because I basically like the harshness, i am tired of being on other boards and hearing oh you gotta love yourself....your body is how god wanted it. Uh no fuck that how can i love myself being a piece of fatty crap what the hell does that do for self esteem. Oh and I blame fat clothing stores because they provide fat clothes for women and that only allows them to stay fat. They should still only make those matching pant sets in that cotton material with sequinced kittens on the front so women should be ashamed to get outrageously obese because that would be the only clothes they could buy.
Anyways enough of the tirade. So here are some pics. After having kids I used to be Jabba the hut...had my surgery lost weight, had two more kids gained some weight back and now that I got my tubes tied I am back to becoming my old self...not the fat old self but the thinner one before i had my last two.
Me as a fatty circa. '99 (puke)
Me after I had surgery...ignore my husband and my gene simmons hair...we have horrible humidity here.
Me now...hate my elephant legs and my arms, my torso is actually pretty small....