Very light and low volume
Time constraints. Maintenance/leaning phase.
One hour 15 minutes to train only.
Biceps torn up so extremely light with those.
Limited time to train today. It was good enough though. Probably should not be training biceps at all for a while. They have been fucking torn up lately.
Hit a possible PR with tricep only dumbbell presses. Right elbow dislocating and clicking bad during set. Still banged out 31 reps. Not bad since I havent done these in weeks, but tricep strength is at peak so it wasnt a problem aside from my elbow clicking bad. That goes away after a few weeks of doing that movement specifically.
Attempted to load of 300 lbs on the stack but its hit or miss. Machine had severe friction and didnt want to fuck up my elbows so I went with the 210 lb stack for 51 reps. Went down the stack and into curls but fiming was cut short.
I would have gone for 300x31 on curved bar pressdowns.
No idea yet what to do about biceps. Theyve been ultra tender for many weeks. A full break from training would probably benefit the area but I will try to keep shit going for a while before doing that again. I can always cut back on bicep related shit. Substitute pullovers for rows, cut out bicep work if need be.
225 lbs after meal, May be 228, This scale seems to have me 3 lbs heavier but I havent used it in a long time so 225 may be correct.
Tricep Only Flat Dumbbell Presses (elbows tucked to sides, palms facing)
40x25 warm
75x25 warm
100x31 (PR I believe. See video. Right elbow dislocating, clicking slightly, Had to keep readjusting my elbow, still banged them out)
Strict Curved Bar Pressdowns
No rest til line
KILOGRAMS unless noted otherwise for ALL pressdowns
40x15 Strict Stand Dumbbell Curls (palms facing , no twist, with holds)
No rest til line (See video)
Attempted to load the stack to 300 lbs. Machine jammed up. This happens often with these stacks. Its hit or miss. So I went on to 210x51 instead of 300x31 or so.
Only filmed the first set, got interrupted
95x51 (210 lb stack)
45x20 Strict Standing DB curls again, with holds
V Bar Pressdowns (strict style still)
no rest til line
40x20 Curls again, same style, Pounds for these
No rest til line
40x15 Zottman Curls (Alternating dumbbell curl with reverse curl negative)
Time constraints so I moved over to bicep work. Super fucking light because my biceps are destroyed lately. For weeks now.
Steep Incline Dumbbell CUrls
35x25 (Holds, Brief rest pauses)
Standing Cambered Bar Curl
no rest til line
videos below