weekly wrap up.
Training, bloody good mate, getting stronger.
Cardio, no sessions missed.
Eating, didn’t miss a beat.
Sleep, good this week, only 1 shit nights sleep.
Mental state, good. Work was flat stick but didn’t affect my training this week

I did my monthly check in with my coach and I am up 2kgs (4.4lb). My body weight is 95kgs (209.4lb). I am 2 and a half weeks into the cycle and everything is starting to grow. I think I’ll put up my full body measurements again at the end of the cycle and see what the numbers are then.
I can’t pose for shit, I have never done any posing lessons because I have always thought it was pointless, if I don’t have enough mass on my body to show off then why bother. Now things are starting to change, I’ll have to do some lessons soon.
Well hope everyone’s had a good week and raring and tearing for next week
