All puddy-eaters are NOT created equal LOL. Actually the only way that I can describe a "technique" is visually. Just remember to make your tongue soft, wide and flat as to envelope the clit... Start reeeeeeeeeeeeel slowly, like you don't want to eat it all at once. There is nothing worse than a guy who is in a hurry! The only thing that I can equate it to is licking an ice cream cone. You don't want it all gone on the first few licks! Have your tongue be firm, but not hard. There is just something about the tongue when it is the proper "texture" and firmness...
Does that make any sense?
And for the inserting fingers thing.... if a guy is using his tongue properly there is NEVER a need for fingers. I always get sore from fingers. If there is any pain involved AT ALL it kills it for me.
Yesssirrree Bob, there is nothing like riding a man's face!
GOOD GOD! I swear the neighbors were going to call the police.