JJ, I would say not quite 200grams a day. Yet.
Definitely nowhere near 300grams. I do try to keep a nice balance of carbs and protein. As I need the carbs for output, epsecially with Oly lifts and strongman training.
I asked Ko for the exact breakdown, since he prepares just about all my meals (I just eat all the food
). While I do write SOME of what I eat down; I go mostly by how energetic I felt at the training session or the day. The other day, I felt sluggish, told Ko, and he adjusted the amount of food the next day.
Anyways, Ko estimates that I eat around 130grams - 150grams a day. This is definitely up from 2-months ago. And I'm getting stronger at every session: just last night I performed 3-sets of 4 with 120lbs in push presses. I could have done more reps, but the goal was to just get a feel at where I was at in push presses.
Keep me (and us) posted on how this increase of protein works. I'm curious about this.
But I see their point on the cardio. I also did the same thing for the first time in my 1996 contest prep; and it worked beautifully. I came in shapely, no loss in LBM, and VERY lean, not ripped to the bone, lean, but LEAN enough to win. I relied mostly on HIIT for prep. A week prior to the contest, I was consuming 2 steaks and 2 chicken breasts a day. I kid you not!