Holy shit, you're just getting that?I get it, I get it. Just don't like it but I do get it. Sometimes it may just be easier to be gay.

Being gay, especially for a guy, is like 1000x easier than being straight. There's none of that potentially "open to interpretation" conversation bullshit. Here's how I think their interactions go:
Guy1: You wanna have sex?
Guy2: Yes.
Guy1: Okay, c'mere bitch ...
Guy1: You wanna have sex?
Guy2: No.
Guy1: Okay, I'm gonna go wack off and go to bed, g'night (Guy1 goes, chokes chicken and crashes).
And there is not A SINGLE straight man on this planet who argues with my logic on this. I need to corner a gay guy and actually get him to fess up but I'm reasonably sure I'm right.