I get my labs monthly. My insurance lays pretty well and I get my TRT online so they send me a lab script anytime I ask. My labs are always fine. Prolactin, estrogen, etc, all within normal range. I thought prolactin as well but no. I was sure when I came off the cycle, I’d find something in my labs to account for the sudden drop in libido. Nada. I mean shit, my T levels were at 1500 for the first two months I came off. Got them down to 1000 and have been steady from March until now. I don’t know a ton but I know enough. I KNOW Tren is dangerous. I’m at the point where lack of libido is more dangerous to me. Finally happily married at my age, can’t lose the wife because I can’t wreck her like I’m supposed to. At this point, if I die at 65, but can die with a hard on, it’s almost worth it. I’ve tried all PDE5 inhibitors and none effect me. Took 200mgs of viagra and only got a stuffy nose. I’m an anomaly and not in a good way. If viagra worked, I’d never be posting here.
Liking for the cause of the high libido from Tren and way to replicate it without killing myself with a mass builder for livestock.