Elite Mentor
Hang in there mattie. Typically water retention comes on 1 week prior to menstruation. Very little is actually known about water retention but researchers believe that it is due to the reduction in progesterone, in the week before menstruation. This leads to more progesterone being broken down which signals the kidneys to retain water and sodium. As well as this, ADH (an anti-diuretic hormone) may be secreted, which causes more water to be retained. They also believe it is due to fluctuations in blood sugar. When blood sugar drops the body secretes adrenaline, which tells the body to release stored sugar from cells in order to normalize the sugar levels in the bloodstream. However, when sugar is removed from the cells, they fill up with water, causing weight gain, bloating and water retention symptoms. For some reason women with PMS seem to secrete more adrenaline than others.
If I remember correctly you had moonshine (a.k.a. sugar) not too long after your carb up. Your body could be just reacting to the blood sugar drop and being menstrual is just enhancing the process ;-)
There is no reason for your body to be holding water after about 3 days into a normal menstrual cycle. Keep a close watch on it and until then limit sodium intake, increase calcium (known to reduce water retention at doses of 1200-1300mg), drink plenty of fluids and eat lots of veggies.
Onebreath - great job! I love how much you are learning about your body.
Looking at your post time is making me sleepy