I know! i hear ya there. so this morning i weighed in at 139...hmm. feeling VERY discouraged. i was hoping to weigh less this friday than i did last friday before carb up (135 lbs) but i just cant see myself losing 5+ pounds in 2 days. maybe i will, maybe im holding a bunch of water from my montly intruder (thats a good one by the way) that always seems to mess things up.
i cant imagine im doing this all wrong, and it seems like scientifically it should work. my work outs have been great, heres what ive done so far since my last carb up:
sunday: fasted cardio, 30 minutes walk/jog.
monday: seated military press, 75 lbs
cable crossovers, 20 lbs ea side
hanging leg lifts
ball crunches
shrugs, 100 lbs
seated overhead dumbell tricep press, 35 lbs
hammer curls, 15 lbs ea side
lying rear delts, 10 lbs each side (those are hard!)
bent over rows, 50 lbs
decline bench press, 45 lbs
all 3x10 or 12, except we did 5x20 of the bent over rows. ugh.
tuesday: walking lunges in bball court, 30lb barbell, up and back 3 times, approx 36 reps ea
squats, 30 lb barbell, 3x10
straight legged deads, 30 lb barbell (could have gone heavier here) 3x10
leg extensions, 50 lbs, 3x12
hammy machine, 50 lbs, 3x10
calf raises, 120 lbs, 3x12
adductor (or is it the abductor? the inner thigh one) 90 lbs, 3x12
wedesday: fasted LISS, 45 minutes, treadmill, 4 mph. i might do another 30 minutes again this afternoon. Plan on doing same tomorrow, then full body friday. woot!
Ive stayed under 1550 calories per day, very clean, tried to up veggies a bit.

ha ha