You could still go to the gym 5 days per week but just do some cardio on the non weight training days, and you could do your abb work on those days instead of on the weight training days. Both moderate cardio and abb work will probably not have a negative impact on your recuperative ability.
Many people just don't fully understand how sytemically draining intense lifting is and how difficult it is to recuperate from training with weights 5 and 6 days per least for the typical person (90%of the general public I think)
Be careful with the cardio and other sports as they will seriously eat away at your recuperative powers if not moderated.
Here is a good rotuine for you but be sure to read my sticky post above for more info on techique, micro loading, intensifiers, and cycing of training effort. Also read my post on deadlifting.
warm up on the tread mill for 5 minutes.
Rest about 2 minutes between stes unless I say otherwise.
Be sure to do do a warm up set or two before the first exercise of each body part. DON'T get carried away with warm ups.
Work hard ..until you cannot do another rep in good form.
be sure to practise progression in weights used in small and then tiny increments. YOU MUST buy some tiny plates
Train in cycles as I have mentioned.
1. Incline bench press. 2 working sets of 6- 8
You can use a barbell in a bench set at 30 degrees or you can use the Hammer incline bench press.
2. Decline bench press or hammer decline bench press or machine dips with elbows flaired out to sides. 2 sets of 6-8. Take a medium grip on the benches...that is when the bar touches your chest your upper arm should be straight up and down. This gives the best biomechanics for muscle building. In the dip use a medium to narrow grip and flair the elbows outward but don't get carried away with this.
3. Toe presses in a leg press machine. 3-4 sest of 10-15 reps. Reduce the weight used for each successive set. rest only 90 seconds between sets. Push very hard and fight for the last cm . All the way up and all the way down in a controlled way. Rest pause reps after going to failure. THE PAIN!
4. One of the following ...lying tricep extensions with an E-Z curl bar, machine dips with a narrow grip and elbows close to body or close grip bench presses with a 15 inch grip. 3 sets of 8
1. Squats. ..check out my posts on technique and the sticky. 3 sets of 10 after 2-3 warm ups. Rest 4 minutes between sets.
2. Stiff leg deadlifts with straps 2 sets of 10 after one warm up. Be darn sure to read my post on deadlifting! rest 3-4 minutes between sets.
3. Hyperextensions holding a weight or with a barbell on your neck/traps 1 set of 10-12
4. Shrugs with a barbell, dumbells or machine 2 sets of 10. use starps.
1. Pulldowns with a shoulder width barbell curl grip(palms facing you) use straps when you start to use heavy weight. 2 sets of 8-10
2. Some type of row 1-2 sets of 8-10 Be sure to arch the low back as you pull and try to hold the weight in the fully contracted position for a second. Rows are done to work the upper mid back muscle as much as the lats. They also strongly work the rear delts. I like dumbell rows with one knee and hand on the side of a bench..and also the hammer iso-lateral row.
3. Overhead press with a barbell and in a bench set at 80 degrees and pressing to the front. OR... some type of machine overhead press, hammer is good. 3 sets of 6-8. This exercise will work the entire shoulder complex and the triceps well. I find that lower reps of about 6 work best for weight progression in this exercise.
4. Barbell curls 3 sets of 8-10. I like to do rest pause reps after going to failure...see my sticky.
TUESDAY & SATURDAY you can do abbs and some cardio. can do the abbs on one of your weight training days. If you work them hard you only need to train them once per week but few people can handle this reduction in abb traing MENTALLY.
You can do some mild cardio on THURSDAYS too if you like but if gains are really hard to come by then reduce the cardio. Some people have to eliminate cardio in order to make good gains. You can always increase the cardio after you have gotten a measure of mass and strength.
ABBS.. Try hanging knee ups from a bar. Try to curl the lower torso up towards the chest with bent knees. 2 sets of as many as you can do.
Cruches with a rolled bath towel under your low back for a better pre stretch and a better contraction. 2 sets of 10-20. Use weight when you can do more than 20. Swiss ball crunches are great too.
CARDIO...I find the best exercise for burning calories and working the aerobic system WITHOUT eating up muscle tissue is steep incline walking at a good clip on a tread mill. Be sure to watch TV or you will go buggy.
NOTE: Nandi12, Mod at ,has posted proof that whey protein taken prior to cardio(like 30 minutes) strongly helps to preserve muscle tissue. The same WAS NOT seen with a pre- cardio meal of regular protein or a pre meal of carbs.
Good luck and train hard.
AND as I have said be darn sure to get plenty of sleep and plenty of good food. Whey protein, a good multi vitimin with perhaps extra vit C and E is all you need for supplements. If you are not eating plenty of Tuna , Salmon or Sardines then I would get some flax seed oil or a combo omega 3/6 oil like Udo's Choice oil. Seriuosly limit saturated fats and junk food.
![Smile :) :)](