Just a reminder ...
ROUNDS OF COMPETITION: Figure Contestants:
Round 1/Swimsuit: (1) Contestants will individually do “T” walk on stage and
then form a line up. (2) The contestants will present quarter turns, in a line
with other contestants, wearing 2 piece swimsuits of their choice and high
heels (no thong suits are permitted). The judges will evaluate the contestant’s
athleticism by assessing the symmetry, proportions and degree of firmness
of the physique and also overall physical appearance including complexion,
poise and presentation.
Round 1: The contestants will on stage, form a line or lines, wearing one (1)
piece swimsuits and high heels. Quarter turns will be presented so that the
judges can make comparisons.
Round 2: Two (2) piece suits, high heels. Contestants will be introduced individually
- do “T” walk on stage to house music and then form a line for a final
assessment followed by top 5 in class call outs and awards.