24 July 2006 (Monday)
Meal 1: 8 am
1/2 c oatmeal + 1/2 scoop protein mix
1 whole egg + 4 egg whites
Meal 2: 12 noon
2 scoops protein mix + 1 tbsp NPB + water = goo
Meal 3: 4 pm (had to cook the chicken so sorta late today)
4 oz chicken breast
2 c spinach & broccoli
2 tbsp low carb vinaigrette
Meal 4: 8 pm
4 sushi summer rolls (no rice, pulled out the avocado) - serious sushi kick this week!
1/4 c blueberries
Meal 5: 11 pm
1 1/2 scoop protein mix + 1/2 c tofu - mush all together = lumpy goo
AM: 30 min precor (empty stomach)
PM: cardio & abs
5 min elliptical
Abs: spent most of the time trying to get a good burn -- no damn roman chair at my gym...
- decline abs (these sucked because the decline bench sucks and its a fight to not use more hip flexor than abs): 25/5 (5 count hold at mid point) x 5
- fitball cable crunches: 80/25 x 3 + 0 wt/25 x 3
- fitball upper ab crunches: 30/25 x 3 + 0 wt/25 x 3
- hanging abs: 0/15 left: 0/15 right: 0/15 - this was a big deal - I haven't been able to do these w/o my lower back spazzing out immediately -- this means my core strength is coming back!
Pull ups:
- narrow grip: bodywt/8
- med grip: bodywt/8
- wide grip: bodywt/5
- med grip: bodywt/7
- narrow grip: bodywt/8
Cardio: 20 min stepper + 25 min recumbant bike
... all in all a nice ass kicker!