oh man......way too complex for a bulletin board reply, but here goes:
you gotta define true religion. If that means following the prescripts of the religion is the only way to happiness or to heaven, and you believe it is the true religion, you gotta follow the rules, otherwise what is the point?
If you believe that you are gonna go to hell if you break any of the rules, how can 90 years of abstinence compare with an eternity in flames?
If you believe that religions are systems of guidelines for good living, you gotta work harder to understand the religion, so you can see why they prohibit sex before marriage, then it should be easier to wait.
Believe me, I struggled with this question fiercely when I was young. I was completely abstinent, wouldn't even tongue-kiss until I was 20 yrs old, then I lost my religion over real theological issues. Still, I had to wonder if there wasn't some good reason for the abstinence rule, an awful lot of religions seem to have it, and even a lot of primitive ones seemed to be kind of pointed that way. I finally decided the rules were there to protect against unwanted children or children who would have no one to take care of them. Kind of moot in many ways in today's world, since it is easy enough not to produce a pregnancy.