answer to MS
I agree with what you are saying. Like I said I am just slightly more developed than phen. (I am working on pics). I have not done any gear. I feel that a couple of my bodyparts are lagging, glutes/lower abs/lower back, as far as striation. My calves are not growing very much, nor my lats, although these parts are very striated. I have great upper back, shoulder, arm development. My "tear drop" and the bottom half of my legs are coming along nicely. I am starting to see greater separation in my quads.
Anyway, I am developed enough that people always ask me if I am preparing for a show, all levels of bb's. So to answer your question, I think as an ectomorph I have pretty favorable genetics and I have come a very long way without the use of gear.
I agree with some of the things said in earlier posts, which is that I should focus on rearranging my diet. I think I will start with this first. Once I have maintained an effective diet for 6mths or so. Then I will go to the next phase which might include something like anavar or estrogen blockers.
Also, my body fat is around 12% with some stubborn fat in my lower back/abs and glutes. This was why I was considering the eb's. After three months of cardio, I still have not managed to drop my bf any.
Hope this clears some things up
I appreciate the advice, keep it coming
I agree with what you are saying. Like I said I am just slightly more developed than phen. (I am working on pics). I have not done any gear. I feel that a couple of my bodyparts are lagging, glutes/lower abs/lower back, as far as striation. My calves are not growing very much, nor my lats, although these parts are very striated. I have great upper back, shoulder, arm development. My "tear drop" and the bottom half of my legs are coming along nicely. I am starting to see greater separation in my quads.
Anyway, I am developed enough that people always ask me if I am preparing for a show, all levels of bb's. So to answer your question, I think as an ectomorph I have pretty favorable genetics and I have come a very long way without the use of gear.
I agree with some of the things said in earlier posts, which is that I should focus on rearranging my diet. I think I will start with this first. Once I have maintained an effective diet for 6mths or so. Then I will go to the next phase which might include something like anavar or estrogen blockers.
Also, my body fat is around 12% with some stubborn fat in my lower back/abs and glutes. This was why I was considering the eb's. After three months of cardio, I still have not managed to drop my bf any.
Hope this clears some things up
I appreciate the advice, keep it coming