Hey there! Of course....Texas Girl, lookin great! You have great tone and nice delts I might add! Keep up the good work...not sure what you previously looked like but you've done good!
thanks for the comments! whats a soleus? i am concentrating alot on legs lately, especially hams, and am working alot on diet to try to lose the estrogenic fat i carry on my hips, thighs and rear end, but its not easy! i hope to have new and better, lol, pics in 8 weeks.
It's the part below the calf muscle that sorta forms a V shape on the back of the leg.
I don't care if your next pics are better or not. As long as you're in 'em they're good enough for me. LOL.
ahhhh, i know what you mean now, i actually have that a little, but its still got some fat on it so the definition isn't as good as i'd like to see it, also, my calves seem to be a little soft, when compared to my thighs or arms or any other muscle actually, so what does that mean, and what do i do to get em as hard as everything else?