In this country 99 percent of the needles and syringes used in Hospitals and reputable clinics are made by BECKIN & DICKINSON (BD) or MONOJECT.
Other manufactures have tried to infiltrate the market, to no avail because of the high quality of BD and monoject.
There are simply hundreds of TYPES of needles sold to hospitals, the two we need are
a) needles for drawing
b) IM needles for injection.
Drawing needles that are generally used are 16g or 18 g with a sharp as opposed to a cutting bevel
IM needles have three bevels (tips) standard, sharp and cutting.
The cutting bevel is the sharpest and causes the least pain and resistance.
If you have access and can afford it there is very little discussion,
Monject 21g 1.5 Inches, cutting bevel. Ask any surgeon.
Hospitals normally use BD for cost purpose, and it is an excellent product, just not as good or expensive as monoject.
However where quality is the only issue, IE surgery, ICU or CCU or the cath lab you are going to see MONOJECT EVERYWHERE.
For personal use I can get any needle on the market free and I only use MONOJECT, usually 21g 1.5 inches.