Apparently I am carrying around a BEAST.
I had another ultrasound today - I get extra ones since I am hypothyroid and this can impact baby development. Well, we don't seem to have that problem.
Baby Girl is measuring a WEEK AHEAD. She is already 3lbs, and is only supposed to be around 2lbs at this point. All of her measurements are perfect, she is just a freaking HORSE.
And Momma hasn't gained as much as I thought - I have gained 18lbs, which at about 28 weeks, my doctor said is great. I also had to have the test for Gestational Diabetes - drinking an orange glucose drink and sitting for an hour, then getting blood drawn. They want to test the glucose clearing or something. I am VERY worried I will fail it ....
I'll find out in a couple days.
Send good, non-diabetes, thoughts my way please ......