Alright guys so just so there's no confusion here's an update of what my cycle looks like.
Tomorrow will be week 2 of epi and I will start katana so
Test E 600/600/600/600/600/600/600/600/600/600/600/600/
Epi 60/60/60/60/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0
Katana 300/300/300/300/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0
Var 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/80/80/80/80
Forma 150/150/150/150/150/150/150/150/150/150/150/150
The thermogenics
I'm off aderrllin and clen right now on 25mcgs of t3 right now for 2 more days then I will be off for 3 weeks.
Starting week four I will run a six week cycle of T3, Helios and these neat little pills that are 25mgs 1,3-dimethylamylamine with 150mgs caffeine. Will call these X. I'm gonna start the Helios at .6mls doing a .3 sub q shot on each side of my belly and work up to 1ml doing .5 on each side. This cycle will look like this
T3 50/75/100/100/75/50
Helios .3/1/0/0/.3/1/
X 0/0/200/400/0/0
So that's what I'm looking like for the next 12 weeks guys. Pct will stay how I have it outlined. Then in will take 2 weeks off after my last ostarine dose and the. I will beggin a 8 week bridge with cjc ghrp-6 and sarm S4