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John H. said:Hi Juice. The Bible was written by MEN - over 40 and over a long period of time. Each with their own viewpoints and prejudices. The Old Testament is nothing more than the Jewish law books actually. Christ, for example, was on this earth for 32 years and AT NO TIME EVER did He say ONE WORD about Homosexuality or BiSexuality being wrong in any way ever. Surely He did not forget to mention it. He is quoted as having said a lot about other things... Wars about religion have been going on for a very long time actually and still are in some places in the world even today. Religion and politics have always been "strange bedfellows" and more people have been killed and murdered in the name of religion and politics then for any other reason in the history of the world. Take Care, John H.
Your argument is simply from the point of a Christian-based origin. Were Christians the only religious people who considered homosexuality a deviation? Were there others? Is there any possible rationale besides religious intolerance?
To lay all of the current stance on homosexuality purely on Christian religion, is as false as stating that Christmas is a truly Christian holiday. Ancient Christians assumed certain beliefs and practices from former peoples, so I would have to say that Christians are not the originators of the "homosexuality is not normal" stance, they have simply perpetuated this idea, which probably has existed for eons.