Did you just call someone else dumb?
Obviously I was successfull if I could support myself, four kids and a gaggle of attorneys for nearly 2 years. We lived just above poverty level, but hey, the government gave us food stamps and my attorneys got paid too (well, I am still paying for them, but who's counting)?
No one said that it was impossible to make a living with this line of work. What we ssid was that the amount of work you do is not on paar the amount of pay. But who are we to decide what "adequate pay" is for you? Clearly you are happy by setting the bar low. Rock on my brother... rock on.
High blood pressure goes hand in hand with people that are inactive and have poor diets/are overweight. Not always, but usually. You never told me what you would do to address this ONE issue SPECIFICALLY and the answer is not all that complicated, but you have a great body so why should any of your potential clients care if you put them at risk with your obvious lack of knowledge regarding the simplest aspects of health and wellness.
I repeat - not everyone wants to have super=hyuge joose muscles and those who do WONT pay you shit to get them. They will give that money to the guys who sell them joose. So now what SPECIFICALLY do you have to offer to the people who actually care about what you know about THEIR GOALS?
You also never told me how you would approach training someone like my husband - you know, the guy with the expendable cash to hire you but who will hire you based on WHAT YOU KNOW. He's married to me, hello - why should he give A FUCK about how you look?
PS - in case you missed my site
www.bikinemu.com that's ME in my avatar... taken in my mid 30's after I had FOUR KIDS. That still don't mean DIDDLY about me properly addressing the goals of others taking into consideration their physical limitations. It took me A LOT of years of experience and some hard studying on my part just to begin to scratch the surface. And when I got there I realized I just wasn't being paid enough for how hard I had to work.
LOL My second daughter brought that to my attention when she was only TEN YEARS OLD. I don't see why it's such a difficult concept to grasp.
Knock yourself out. We are all talking out of our assholes. I can't WAIT to read your posts bout 3 months from now based purely on the fact that your direct superior will be a NINETEEN YEAR OLD GIRL. Shit, I have thongs that are older than that. I can't begin to imagine what it would be like to be told WHAT TO DO AT MY JOB from a girl that is younger than me.