Anyone care to stop the pissing contest? lol...I'll try. If people want to piss for distance...I highly doubt that you are going to find anyone who can match me body for body, strength for strength, body weight for body weight, and agility for agility... To add to that...I don't train DC, HST, Weider Principles, OL, or strict WSB. I take a little of everything (MOSTLY WSB) and make it my own.
One of the big KEYS to progressive strength training (what we all do) is finding the right combination between intensity and volume. You can't have 100 percent intensity with 100 percent volume. You also can't have 10 percent intensity with 10 percent volume and expect the best gains. Finding it somewhere in the middle is the key. Sure, it varies a bit, but there IS a standard somewhere.
DC training takes it to an extreme of the variation. A trainee uses 100 percent intensity with 10 percent volume (or so, hopefully you get the point). It is an extreme of a theory... It has been put into place for many and I have used training principles VERY similar to them over the years with very limited success. The gains would be good for 3-4 weeks maximum then they would stall or actually work towards the negative.
There is a reason why people 'increase the volume' in their workouts. Simply, because it works. You can't increase the volume to an extreme amount (obviously, and people are taking it to the extreme...especially for 'arguments' sake...) but it does make a difference.
When a strength contest comes starts to bring up the volume on their hams, erectors, glutes, triceps, abs, rotators, lats, etc... Of course...the last week they use ZERO volume to let their body recover and be completely ready for the contest.
One of the biggest problems with the DC method is that the volume is so low that the amount of weight lifted is VERY low (yes, it DOES make a big difference in muscular growth, recruitmen, and strength gains). When powerlifters start to go from doing 6 sets of 8 to tapering down (over 10-14 weeks) to doing 2 sets of 2 or even singles....the amount of weight or volume per workout is so low that they actually start to digress in their strength even though they are pushing heavier weights.
The second major problem I see with the DC program is that if you have an issue with form on a certain only get basically ONE set to fix it per week. You also have one balls to the wall set that you can really screw yourself with (serious injury). A beginner has NO BUSINESS doing this type of routine simply for that reason. A beginner would greatly benefit from doing one of Cornholio's routine where you are performing the big lifts on a bi/tri-weekly basis and you have a lot of opportunity to perfect the lifts.
Debasser, please refrain from EVER saying that DC will produce the FASTEST results or that it is the BEST....EVER again!!! That kind of statement has no business here. Trust me...I know. I got into it with Cornholio over a year ago and it nearly ruined the relationship between the two of us (he is one of the nicest persons you can ever meet). We both made remarks to each other similar to these, it got personal, and he left for a long time. Do NOT run anyone off with your attitude!!!
B True