Well I havent posted until now because I'm ASHAMED that I'm no where near as strong as y'all are BUT this is only the second week that I've actually gone heavy cause theres this power lifting comp here on base on 1 Dec and I'm trying to gain muscle. N E Ways....... I can press 50's on flat DB press but I pyramid up to that weight so I'm a bit tired by then. I guess I should go heavy first then pyramid down. And I can squat 225 for 8-10 reps and I also pyramid up to that weight and that's usually my last set so I'm feeling sick by then. My legs are my stong point from sprinting for 6 years. 315 is also my goal but I give it 6 months (come on creatine!!!!
) Well I'm off to the gym no so I can try to catch up you all. How is it my shoulders are one of my best body parts but I'm NOWHERE as strong as y'all in that area? Can you say 20lbs DB