New member
First Time Running anything and have been so impressed so far that I am going to record my weekly results.
Fat kid all my life. Started working out 2 years ago. Got down from 269lbs down to 196lbs through cardio and lifting. No crash dieting - I have run an ECA stack twice - 30 years old. Like everyone I carry most of my fat in my stomach - I think alot is skin that needs time to tighten up. My diet I think has been on point. I am high protein, low low carb (carbs blow me up), low fat. Upped my protein to 300grams a day 2800-3000 calories
Dieslbolan x 3 a day (split evenly)
19-Tren TFO X 3 a day (split evenly)
Forged Liver Support x 2 in the morning
Multi Vitamin
Fish Oil 1000mg a day (split twice)
Day One: Chest, Bi's
Day Two: Shoulders, Tri's
Day Three: OFF
Day Four: Back
Day Five: Legs
Day Six: OFF
Note: I Deadlift once a week alternating between back and legs
7 days a week first thing on empty stomach - 45 to 60 minutes - treadmill HIIT. I usually get between 4 and 7 miles depending on length of time.
Starting Stats
Date 10/5/2009
Weight 196lbs Left Right
Waist 35, 5/8th" Thigh 23" 22.5"
Hips 38" Calf 15.75" 15.75"
Neck 15.25" Bicep 15" 15"
Shoulders 49" Forearm 11, 7/8th" 11, 7/8th"
Chest 39.5" Wrist 6.75" 6.75"
Date 10/12/2009
Weight 201.4lbs Left Right
Waist 35" Thigh 23.5" 23.25"
Hips 38" Calf 16.25" 16"
Neck 15, 1/8th" Bicep 15.75" 15.75"
Shoulders 49, 1/2th" Forearm 12" 12, 1/8th"
Chest 40" Wrist 6.75" 6, 7/8th"
Gained 4.4lbs so far - I think mostly muscle and my waist has gone down by over half an inch. Gained mass in chest and biceps primarily.
All my lifts have increased and the intensity of the work out has doubled
Starting: Goals:
196lbs 210lbs
35, 5/8" waist 34" waist
Bench 225 x 3 Bench 275lbs x 1
Deadlift 315 x 2 (singles) Deadlift 365lbs x 2
Squat 225 x 10 (never maxed) Squat 315lbs x 2
Any advice is always welcome - but I must say I am loving Needto's stuff and extremely pissed that I didn't buy more knowing now that it is going to be gone for ever. I would of loved to run the shredder stack next.
Fat kid all my life. Started working out 2 years ago. Got down from 269lbs down to 196lbs through cardio and lifting. No crash dieting - I have run an ECA stack twice - 30 years old. Like everyone I carry most of my fat in my stomach - I think alot is skin that needs time to tighten up. My diet I think has been on point. I am high protein, low low carb (carbs blow me up), low fat. Upped my protein to 300grams a day 2800-3000 calories
Dieslbolan x 3 a day (split evenly)
19-Tren TFO X 3 a day (split evenly)
Forged Liver Support x 2 in the morning
Multi Vitamin
Fish Oil 1000mg a day (split twice)
Day One: Chest, Bi's
Day Two: Shoulders, Tri's
Day Three: OFF
Day Four: Back
Day Five: Legs
Day Six: OFF
Note: I Deadlift once a week alternating between back and legs
7 days a week first thing on empty stomach - 45 to 60 minutes - treadmill HIIT. I usually get between 4 and 7 miles depending on length of time.
Starting Stats
Date 10/5/2009
Weight 196lbs Left Right
Waist 35, 5/8th" Thigh 23" 22.5"
Hips 38" Calf 15.75" 15.75"
Neck 15.25" Bicep 15" 15"
Shoulders 49" Forearm 11, 7/8th" 11, 7/8th"
Chest 39.5" Wrist 6.75" 6.75"
Date 10/12/2009
Weight 201.4lbs Left Right
Waist 35" Thigh 23.5" 23.25"
Hips 38" Calf 16.25" 16"
Neck 15, 1/8th" Bicep 15.75" 15.75"
Shoulders 49, 1/2th" Forearm 12" 12, 1/8th"
Chest 40" Wrist 6.75" 6, 7/8th"
Gained 4.4lbs so far - I think mostly muscle and my waist has gone down by over half an inch. Gained mass in chest and biceps primarily.
All my lifts have increased and the intensity of the work out has doubled
Starting: Goals:
196lbs 210lbs
35, 5/8" waist 34" waist
Bench 225 x 3 Bench 275lbs x 1
Deadlift 315 x 2 (singles) Deadlift 365lbs x 2
Squat 225 x 10 (never maxed) Squat 315lbs x 2
Any advice is always welcome - but I must say I am loving Needto's stuff and extremely pissed that I didn't buy more knowing now that it is going to be gone for ever. I would of loved to run the shredder stack next.