6hrs sleep
05.15 weekbix and hot blood preworkout.
06.00 gym
7.30 Breakfast: Protein shake, 3 eggs on toast, coffee.
8.00 bike to work (20mins)
9.00 Organ shield (puruslabs) X2, 5% rich piana liver & organ
Vitamin: complex D, D3, super omega oil,
20mg Rad140
5mg YK11
20mg Mk2866
11.30 Lunch: Rice, onion, pea, mushroom, egg stir-fry in black bean sauce. Washed down with Protein shake.
14.00 last coffee, cake and nuts.
17.00 protein shake + YK11 5mg
18.00 bike home (20mins)
20.00 Dinner: butter bean and tomato blended veg ragu with feta, parsley and couscous. Approx 800g