I have been doing more of a periodization workout. I am thinking to switching to westside after this meet. I was thinking of doing like two heavy sets of five for two weeks, then doing heavy sets of triples for two weeks, then two weeks at doing doubles. That is for my raw sets of bench, then directly after my raw sets putting the shirt on and doing a few singles to see what will touch my chest and how much it is going to change my form. I was going to increase the weight used when wearing the shirt each week but not ever going over the amount of weight that I will open with. The week of the meet I will probably do a real light set or two, and I mean LIGHT,just to keep in my groove. Depending on how everything feels I will most likely open with 300 or 315, then jump to 330, then try and set a new p.r. Its all going to depend on how much the shirt helps me, or how much it messes with my form and all. We'll see I guess.