Well yea... I mean the whole thread absurd.
I now *hate* animals and somehow all the bullshit wanton hatred that was thrown at me *all of the sudden* was now deserved (I wonder if everyone else that was an object of the same hatred for different circumstances deserved it too? LOL) because I simply refuse to get upset over something that I don't feel the need to be upset about.
Let us get a grip, shall we? Step back and gain some perspective.
'Course Blue thought that by trying to needle me about MY CHILDREN that somehow she would rouse my ire?
I could make an equally hurtfull reply, but I don't roll that way. I don't need to BECAUSE I AM NOT HURT.
Besides that, I don't NEED to call someone a name or put them down or even make a REALLY NASTY personal comment about them simply because I can't support my point of view intelligently... as clearly I HAVE.