DAY 9- AUGUST 2, 2001
This morning first thing in the morning after pissing, without clothes, I weighed
217.5 lbs. Which is up
9 lbs. since I last weighed myself! Talk about a fucking carb-up damn! I am down 3 lbs. since I started this entire Titan Training along with a CKD though so I guess thats good. I am going to try and get down to a
LEAN 190-195 lbs. in the next couple of months training with Titan Training and using a CKD. The problem is that Day 7 is NOT A BINGE DAY!! And Day 8 isnt either. I have to keep my diet low-carb on Day 7 and have a CONTROLLED carb-up on Day 8. DISCIPLINE!

25 minutes stationery bike first thing in the morning on an empty stomach..
Felt good today.... kind of tired though. Little drowsy I guess and feel bloated for all of the goddamn shit I ate during the last 2 days. I dont know what the fuck is wrong with me. Everytime I do that I always feel like shit afterwards and I still manage to do it. What the fuck? Workout went really really well... lasted around 40 minutes. Chest got a GREAT workout and lats got a HORRIBLE fucking workout. DAMNIT! Pullovers fucking suck for my lats. They didnt do jack shit I wanted to give them a try and what a WASTE of time.. I should learn to stick to the basics. Dumbbell pullovers are good for my though. Shoulders and traps got an excellent workout.. good pump and burn in both. Arms got a pretty good workout I guess biceps got a way better workout then triceps though.

Abs and calves got a good contraction and burn... hit both pretty hard with some higher reps.. Forearms got an INCREDIBLE workout!! Damn! GREAT GREAT BURN! Woah never had a forearm workout like that in ages.. static hold really fucked up my forearms BIG TIME took them WAY past failure my forearms are starting to ache sitting here typing... and I worked out 2 hours ago!!

Total Calories: 2585
Total (g) Protein: 136g
Total (g) Carbs: 10g
Total (g) Fat: 211g
7.5 hours of sleep last night... slept very good. Had a deep restful sleep and felt a lot better today because of it.
Multi-vitamin 2x today, Xenadrine 2x today, 30 minutes before cardio and training session, 5g creatine postworkout.
Volume Training.
crossbench barbell pullovers 65x12; 65x10; 65x10
(supersetted with)
low-incline dumbbell flyes 40x12; 40x12; 40x12
standing dumbbell side-laterals 20x12; 20x12; 20x12
(supersetted with)
close-grip cable upright rows 50x12; 50x12; 50x12
concentration curls 30x12; 30x12; 30x12
(supersetted with)
one-dumbbell overhead ext. 30x12; 30x12; 30x12
seated leg tucks (bodyweight) 15x15x15
(supersetted with)
one-dumbbell calf raises 60x15; 60x15; 60x15
wrist roller 25x6; 25x5; 25x4
(supersetted with)
barbell static holds 215x(failure); 215x(failure); 215x(failure)