Well nice to see some familiar faces following along...SVP, Cane...of course

, Dylan, Rick, Meat, Shrine, and JBranken...sorry if I missed someone, just got done training legs...blood is still in lower part of body and not in brain

So hit legs pretty well today...Hacks (6 sets finishing at 405lb work sets), Front Squats (6 sets finishing at 315lb), Leg Press (6 sets finishing at 1215lb), and Standing Calves (6 sets finishing at stack...450+ or something like that). Felt good and strong! Just like one of my gal clients who trained with us today said "go BIG or go home!" as she power squatted 205lb today (PR) and my amazing ass wife hit her PR today at 225lb for 10 reps...these girls are putting most guys to shame in the gym lol.
So checked my blood pressure today and it is 125/80...slightly elevated, not too bad, but will continue to monitor it for the benefit of this log. Have not hit my supplements yet today, usually like to hit some TNE PWO but didn't have time today so hitting what I need to now and took 4 N2 Guard post workout with my shake. Will take other 3 at bedtime...going to try it like this UNLESS someone has something else they want me to try for the benefit of this log??? Interactive means please join in and get involved!!!
Time to take care of the rest of the days business!!!
Later gators!!!!
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