well.. once again.. phem has said it all!! what a gal huh!?!? shes right. i was doing HIIT cardio forever and after a while i didnt see an improvement. i started doing 60min and walla!! good stuff!! its hard but ohhhhh it feels sooo good when ur done. ur on the right track.. EFA, lean clean diet.. ur protein shakes.. u got it girl. u can try and get most of ur carbs from green veggies and fruit... this will lean u out too. dont go crazy trying to cut ur carbs though.. just eat healthy, high fiber, complex carbs and ull be set. about ketosis.. dont know too much about that but i do know that in order to get into it u have to eliminate carbs.. u can get those keto urine strips, this way u can test to see when ur in ketosis and when ur not. i heard that 3 days in 3 days out is pretty good. maybe one of the pros can give u some more info
. have u tried the good old ECA stack. it works wonders for those who have never tried it before. anywayyyy... good luck.. train hard and be consitent!!