New member
Legion Kreinak2 said:I gotta try that CCJ, thanks.
As for the rest of you, I think you've just become too absorbed in this world of bodybuilding and such. Sounds to me like you guys think you can't make gains unless you eat that much protein. You're telling me everyone out there who looks really good, has nice bodies, doesn't let weight training dictate their life, still eats 200+ grams of protein, and 20x BW in calories? Hardly. Not a fuckin' chance. Sure, it may allow for quicker, more optimal gains, but in no way is it the only method of going about gaining muscle.
i rest my case.
just keep on believing whatever is most convenient to you at the time.
my guess is that you must be fairly intelligent based on your writing style/sentence structure. however, you continually prove to be an idiot based on the content of your posts. and i don't think many people would disagree with this assessment.