This should be an interesting read, fyi.
5 minute cardio warm-up
static stretching
bar complex
98x5 122x5 147x5 171x5 196x4
NOTES: I used the power rack, as I often do. I put in the safety rods only for the last set usually, as I did this tonight. I was determined to get this because I desparately desparately want to get over 200 and really to 225 with the quickness. On the last rep I made sure I dug down deep into the hole, I wanted to earn it, and I just tried soooo hard to push up and got out of it (!) but then I started going forward and thought I was about to die but I realized I was gonna catch the safeties and went forward somewhat smoothly. Those things really work. I f'd up my left shoulder in the process, but no sharp pain, no snap, no crackle, no pop, so I continued on with my workout... DETERMINED to hit the 171 for 5 since that was the exact weight that stalled me on the bench in December at the end of my bulk.
86x5 107x5 128x5 150x5 171x4
NOTES: Didn't work out as planned. I was so AMPED going into that last set. I wanted it so badly. I asked someone to spot me and I told him if you touch the bar it will ruin my week so only touch it if I say so, or to save my life. The first rep went up easier than the 150 set, breathing was on point had a nice pace... 2.... 3.... 4.... and then I got halfway up and STALL. STAAALLLLLLL I closed my eyes and PUUUUSHED as hard as I could and I tweaked some muscles on the sides of my back under the lats that I've never even felt before. My left side was just too weak though and I couldn't finish it 100% on my own. Might have been related to the shoulder issue above but I don't think so. F***! My back felt really odd, but not bad. Don't know how those muscles got into the lift. Clear break down of form there.
74x5 92x5 111x5 129x5 147x5
NOTES: At this point I could not go home 0 for 3. No fing way. I hit it, I wish I could get that fifth one again because it didn't get that super clean bar touch to solar plexus (yeah mean gene!), but it counted and I wouldn't count it if it wasn't.
2 x 45 x 8
decline situps
3 x 8 x bodyweight
NOTES: figured I'd stay away from the weight declines with the back tweaked didn't feel right to do 'em. Hypers felt fine, but decline situps just hit your whole core in a different kind of way.
NOTES: I am very frustrated. I am very disappointed. Pissed. Not discouraged. I can blame the diet yesterday, the alcohol maybe, my unwillingness to eat too much today... I can blame the whole cutting process.... or I can take the road I am choosing to take... and manning up, dealing with it and preparing to NAIL these lifts with authority next Monday. I'm tired of being at this stage with regards to the poundages. Tired, tired, tired of it. I can't wait to get this bf where it's gotta be. It's gonna set up my whole lifting timetable for the next year. The better I cut, the quicker I can get to bulking. I have to keep that in mind at all times. I love this hobby/sport/passion of ours.
This should be an interesting read, fyi.
5 minute cardio warm-up
static stretching
bar complex
98x5 122x5 147x5 171x5 196x4
NOTES: I used the power rack, as I often do. I put in the safety rods only for the last set usually, as I did this tonight. I was determined to get this because I desparately desparately want to get over 200 and really to 225 with the quickness. On the last rep I made sure I dug down deep into the hole, I wanted to earn it, and I just tried soooo hard to push up and got out of it (!) but then I started going forward and thought I was about to die but I realized I was gonna catch the safeties and went forward somewhat smoothly. Those things really work. I f'd up my left shoulder in the process, but no sharp pain, no snap, no crackle, no pop, so I continued on with my workout... DETERMINED to hit the 171 for 5 since that was the exact weight that stalled me on the bench in December at the end of my bulk.
86x5 107x5 128x5 150x5 171x4
NOTES: Didn't work out as planned. I was so AMPED going into that last set. I wanted it so badly. I asked someone to spot me and I told him if you touch the bar it will ruin my week so only touch it if I say so, or to save my life. The first rep went up easier than the 150 set, breathing was on point had a nice pace... 2.... 3.... 4.... and then I got halfway up and STALL. STAAALLLLLLL I closed my eyes and PUUUUSHED as hard as I could and I tweaked some muscles on the sides of my back under the lats that I've never even felt before. My left side was just too weak though and I couldn't finish it 100% on my own. Might have been related to the shoulder issue above but I don't think so. F***! My back felt really odd, but not bad. Don't know how those muscles got into the lift. Clear break down of form there.
74x5 92x5 111x5 129x5 147x5
NOTES: At this point I could not go home 0 for 3. No fing way. I hit it, I wish I could get that fifth one again because it didn't get that super clean bar touch to solar plexus (yeah mean gene!), but it counted and I wouldn't count it if it wasn't.
2 x 45 x 8
decline situps
3 x 8 x bodyweight
NOTES: figured I'd stay away from the weight declines with the back tweaked didn't feel right to do 'em. Hypers felt fine, but decline situps just hit your whole core in a different kind of way.
NOTES: I am very frustrated. I am very disappointed. Pissed. Not discouraged. I can blame the diet yesterday, the alcohol maybe, my unwillingness to eat too much today... I can blame the whole cutting process.... or I can take the road I am choosing to take... and manning up, dealing with it and preparing to NAIL these lifts with authority next Monday. I'm tired of being at this stage with regards to the poundages. Tired, tired, tired of it. I can't wait to get this bf where it's gotta be. It's gonna set up my whole lifting timetable for the next year. The better I cut, the quicker I can get to bulking. I have to keep that in mind at all times. I love this hobby/sport/passion of ours.
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