Hi Jamie!
Hang in there girl! I swear, in the last 7 years on WeightWatchers, I've had more friends and family members come and go with me on program, in food, in exercise, in motivation, etc. than a hooker on 8 mile.
Finding people to work with you and motivate you is SO TOUGH, and watching them follow along and then quit is all part of the game, unfortunately.
What's important is that YOU are doing what's best for you, despite all the comments from the idiot boss and people who don't understand how important your health and well-being are to you.
Saboteurs, like your roomie, although sometimes public and sometimes covert -- are ALWAYS around to tear you down. You're doing great with jumping over and conquering each one.
I hope you had a better day today!!! You're such a cutie yourself!!!
How long until you get to see your family?