nope hes not. Sad but true, My Gym has tanning included, so guess where all the acne people go. Nothing is wrong with AAS at all, but if u didnt reach ur limit b4 using them, then u just arent informed enough. Ive seen kids 17-19 on orals at the gym, im 19, with a nice build, i get asked about gear all the time, and what sucks I KNOW TOO MUCH to be "not on" lol. So my knowledge has definatlet let some believe i have used/or am using. LOL Maybe its because im the only nut SCREAMING at the gym because im busting my balls.
But i wouldnt accuse your friend of going "on", if anything wait for the sides, (bloating, irration, acne, etc,) before even accusing him. I know for a fact i fuckin hate it when i get accused of being on, really hurts honestly, its basically saying, "what the fuck ur not better then me, you must be on juice, you dont know what hard work is"
just my .02 cents. Besides if its your gym buddy, wouldnt he have said anything about it, even if he doesnt want to tell you he is on, he would talk about something to get something off his chest.