As far as I know, the only lab that manufactors **brand products is based in China. The feds are going to have a hard time going into Red China to arrest someone who is helping to promote the US trade imbalance...
I am not a source, but if I were, and I bought from the **lab instead of the Ttokkyo lab and someone said "Are Stew's **products legit." That would be a different story as would it be if someone said "are Stew's Ttokkyo products legit?". Besides, if I was a source, I wouldn't carry that line of products anyway because I don't know of any independant lab tests. I don't think that the "quality" of the lab should dictate whether the brand name is a source name or not. There are sources who buy in bulk from that lab and then resell at a higher price. They are no more of a "remailer" than someone who buys from a Ttokkyo lab in bulk then resells at a higher price. And Ttokkyo does sell directly to consumers who buy in bulk.