I found out the other day that I am eligible for the National Honor Society because my grades have been great all through high school. I go down to talk to the teacher who is in charge of the bull shit little requirements and apparently there is some shit called "activity points" and 20 are needed for one to be considered any further, and they have to be school or community oriented. Well all I do is play ice hockey, lift, and work when it comes down to it. So far it only counts for activities done up to the junior year in high school. I only get 4 points a year for playing hockey leaving me with 12 and 1 point for each year I was captain giving me 1 more with a total of 13. Translation: If I didn't find some kind of loop hole all my hard work would go unrewarded and NHS is something I'd like to say I was part of, not something I missed b/c I wasn't active enough in a school I don't like all that much.
Well I found the loophole. I play ice hockey during the winter and we have a spring league that we take part in. At first I thought they were considered one in the same, but figured if I have to pay for both leagues, and we start both of them at 0-0-0 records, then they are technicly different. There with the 4 points for each season and 1 point in each time as captain. 3 winter seasons [12], 2 spring seasons [8], and 3 terms as captain [3], adding up to 23 and I have enough to get in.
Well I found the loophole. I play ice hockey during the winter and we have a spring league that we take part in. At first I thought they were considered one in the same, but figured if I have to pay for both leagues, and we start both of them at 0-0-0 records, then they are technicly different. There with the 4 points for each season and 1 point in each time as captain. 3 winter seasons [12], 2 spring seasons [8], and 3 terms as captain [3], adding up to 23 and I have enough to get in.