Of course.
But the concept of weight alone is irrelevant. Read the post by momsgettinfit - weighing herself frustrates her because she gains muscle, therefore the scale goes up. This is pointless, in my opinion. Especially since a muscle gain is DESIRABLE in most cases. Why weigh yourself daily/weekly/etc if it only serves to make you feel like shit?
You wouldn't take your bodyfat daily, so why weigh yourslf daily? And bodyfat means a whole helluva lot more than weight.
And a competition may be a different animal entirely ..... if you are competing beased off your weight (i.e., in a weight class) then it makes sense to watch your weight diligently. But if you are competing WITHOUT a weight class (i.e., figure), then why stress yourself out daily? Weight ALONE tells you NOTHING. Take weight out of context, and you have no answers.
That is just my opinion, of course,