t3c said:
I'm thinking about doing a 5 day a week routine...does anyone else do this? I know most people do 3 day routines.
How does this sound?
5 day week:
Mon: chest
Tues: back
Wed: thighs
Thurs: arms
Fri: sholders
this sounds an awful lot like a bodybuilding routine... are you sure you are in the right forum? Powerlifters (using westside) usually have routines that go like this:
ME(max. effort) squat and deadlift
ME Bench
DE (dynamic effort) squat and deadlift
DE Bench
on maximum effort days, the targeted lift is trained through maximum effort exercises which target different parts of a lift. these are cycled every week or two and you usually work up to a single to set a PR that day. after this, you do some supplemental exercises and assistance work to strengthen the weakpoints of the lift.
on dynamic effort days, speed work is done. this trains the body to "turn on" as many muscle fibers at once as it can. it is more neurological training, really. this helps sticking points and explosiveness. these exercises are done with a lower percentage of your max for that specific lift, and are usually box squats for the squat/dead and speed bench for the bench press.
So to answer your question, i think that people do that split you described, just not powerlifters. powerlifters train for strength, not size. but on a sidenote, if you are going for bodybuilding, that looks like a decent routine. i hope i cleared up something...