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Hey figuregrl -- if you do a search on "women" & "liquidex" or "l-dex" you will find some of the discussion related to just what is "too androgenic" between ldex & proviron -- basically its still not clear. BUT, because you are dealing w/ things that we all agree have extremely androgenic tendencies, you need to really pay attention to it. Anabolics 2000 says don't use proviron for more than 4 weeks at a time and no more than 25 mg /day, (1/2 in the am , 1/2 inthe PM). Another consideration is what else you are using it with - it is "recommended" for use with nolvadex to do that final leaning out & works "synergistically" w/ other AS like winny to get hard, really hard. BUT again-- winny has its own androgenic features - throw in more & you start riding the edge. One trainer I know of recommended a comp cycle that involved EQ, winny, switch the EQ to primo, then throw in anavar, and pile on proviron & nolva for the last 4 weeks prior to comp. The stack WITHOUT the proviron is pretty potent already, noting that winny & primo alone are not exactly predictable in their effect on each female. EQ is also a potent thing. So add it all up & do you expect to compete with your boyfriend for "biggest dick"?????
Just a some thoughts. Also because you are still mixing in the B/C factor the hormones are pretty confused. Unless you are pursuing competition at a high level, the safer & more predictable approach is diet & training. Tweak the diet for additional leaning out.
Just a some thoughts. Also because you are still mixing in the B/C factor the hormones are pretty confused. Unless you are pursuing competition at a high level, the safer & more predictable approach is diet & training. Tweak the diet for additional leaning out.