purging is unhealthy and not reccomended even occasionally. Especially if you have OCD, as it can easily become a routine (as well as the binging that goes along with it)
best thing, in a case like this, just get up and do a LONG morning cardio session on an empty stomach. This is in itself a form of purging though a much healthier one (and one that requires a lot more effort, hence less likely to encourage binging and the cycle that goes along with it).
not intended as a lecture, just pointing out the pitfalls.
in point of fact stuffing one self to the point of illness may require purging in limited cases, but this seems to be a "calorie" issue and should be handled differently. Though one should look carefully at ones diet and state of mind when you eat to the point of illness. ie perhaps your diet is too strict and there may be other psychological issues as well.
again these are just possibilities, none of which are intended as an attack (as such can easily be taken thus without clarification)