Yeah, JJ - I'm cutting fiber from Monday, thus checking if pumpkin could serve as starchy carb, no/little fiber - YES, baby! My new all-time favourite: PA ..PUM ...PUMP ...PUMPKIN!!!! I'm currently eating the skins too, will cut those and the broccoli out on Mon.
As for the fritters - I'm thinking a mixture of egg whites, pumpkin, oatmeal, maybe some protein powder, cinnamon and sweetener. *Possibly* crumbed with wholemeal bread crumbs.
I had another idea too: the protein pancakes that are all over these boards, but pumpkin flavour:
egg whites
(protein powder, if desired)
cottage cheese
Blend it all up, cook like pancake, serve with sf syrup. OR, one cook make the pancakes as usual, then use pumpkin as a FILLING!
I've thought about doing this with yams, too, but then one ends up with so many carbs ... wow, pumpkin fits the bill for everything!
Pumpkin pie
Pumpkin muffins
Pumpkin and oatmeal cookies
And, of course, pumpkin and chick pea curry

I've made that before, MS - but the pumpkin all dissolved into mush - I can't imagine that dehydrated

Do you put it in last, so it stays in chunks? Do you guys have the small round green pumpkins or the huge flat white ones? How about butternut? - heeey! I bet butternut is as good as pumpkin for all this stuff
And on the topic of food - do you make your hummous with olive oil and tahini? I've been wondering about that and the whole no carbs and fats together thing - I tried hummous with yoghurt instead of olive oil, and it was good, but it just wasn't the same.