Here's how I trained to prepare for the SEAL challenge contract...
Monday: 6 mile run (steady). Swim twenty lengths in the afternoon
Tuesday: 4 mile jog. HIIT in the afternoon
Wednesday: 5 mile jog. Swim twenty lengths in the afternoon
Thursday: HIIT. 5 mile jog in the afternoon
Friday: 5 mile jog.
Saturday: 10 mile run or 8 mile best-effort run
Sunday: Orienteering in the hills. Aim to cover 20 miles with a 45-pound pack (this is a march, not a run...), or rest -- depends on the weather and my schedule.
I did calesthenics every day, and lifted twice a week. My training program was:
Bodyweight deadlifts for maximum reps (preferably in the 50 rep range rest-pause style. I weigh about 210 at 6'2")
Sandbag clean and press-5 singles (Go heavy as you can here)
Sandbag Carry for maximum distance (Don't drop it, but if you do, pick it back up and repeat 2 or 3 more times)
Farmers Walk (use two preacher bars if you have them. Load em' up to 100 lbs or so, go for maximum distance and repeat)
1 heavy, higher rep set of thick bar or Hammer Curls
I did this for 3 months before I came down with fucking stress fractures in both my shins. I can't join the SEALs (or run AT ALL!) until they heal. So I'm totally fucked, obviously...