Gambino said:what isn't true?
according to this book, the nazi party killed less jews than the german army did. it's an interesting study backed by documents for the gov't.
just cause the guy is jewish, i really don't see what the problem is.
he attacks the myth that hitler was the lone bad guy and every citizen was innocent and sheepish.
agree or not i suggest reading it
it might be a good read.........but I'm going to refute one thing that I read in the summary, and that was the statement that people were given the "retributionless" option of not doing what they're told.........this is nonsense, probably based on one or two nebulous instances and then greatly expanded on by a bitter jew. I know for a cold hard fact that if you, as a weirmacht officer, refused the orders of a nazi party could be shot on site, at the least thrown in the brig.........I mean, what the fuck happens to a soldier who disobeys a direct order from his superior in this country's military?? I mean be serious............the germans have alot of blame resting on them, they were not innocent and sheepish..........but they were shrewdly manipulated........and by the time it dawned on them what they'd gotten into the machine was rolling.............kind of like the Iraq war huh? We fell for that one didn't we?