The only contradictions are yours. One week I hear Obama's a pussy and won't do shit against anybody, and the next week ur saying omg omg we're getting involved in another 3rd world shithole. SO what is it?
1) Is he a pacifist pussy
2) Another warmongering american POTUS?
time to put on the big boy hat and take a stance on something.
Ok. I'll play for a while. Its not my fault that you have the reading comprehension skills of a snail with a lobotomy.
You don't understand sarcasm.
Barry marketed himself a peace loving apologist. Which his mindless followers, like yourself, bought into. I have maintained that he is a war mongering mass murderer who is just as bad or worse than Bush form the beginning of his presidency when he kept Gates on as Defense Secretary and stepped up drone strikes on Pakistan. And especially after Libya.
I shamefully admit that I was a Bush supporter in the beginning of his presidency until I realized everything he was about was bullshit. But I saw the writing on the wall and abandoned the Republican party years ago. Because I can admit when I'm wrong. Unlike you, even when its brutally obvious that you are.